IT Service

cloud management

Cloud computing is simply having a set of redundant servers hosted in a data center instead of your onsite server. It is subscription-based, allowing you to pay for only what you use without ever having to worry about buying and maintaining servers. To ensure security, we offer private cloud computing for our clients.

expert cloud services

We constantly work with systems such as AWS, Azure, Google, Microsoft 365, Office 365, Oracle and others.

full system analysis

Our experts analyze your full system and find the correct cloud service provider for you.

low-impact move

Our unique training style helps your team adapt without affecting productivity.

worry-free cloud managed services

provisioning and orchestration

Design, modify and reduce resources as well as organize workflows and manage workloads.

security & compliance

Enforce security configurations and manage role-based access to cloud services.

service request

Collect requests from users to access and deploy cloud resources.

monitoring & logging

Manage performance and availability metrics, automate incident management, and log aggregation.

inventory & classification

Manage pre-existing cloud resources, then observe and control developments.

cost management & optimization

Keep Track of cloud spends and adjust capacity and performance with original request.

migration, backup & DR (disaster recovery)

Allow data security, disaster recovery, and data mobility via snapshots or data replication.

14+ years of experience

We have an expert team of IT consultants to guide you and ensure that your migration to the cloud is seamless.

why choose the cloud?

Near Limitless Capacity

Cloud servers aren’t restricted like other servers such as on-site servers by such factors as space and storage.

Increase Mobility

You can concentrate more on your business rather than on local infrastructure.

Secure Environment

We have a team of security professionals operating on your account, you can rely on the most suitable safety measures in the industry.

Predictable Costs

Restrict your expenses by switching to monthly maintenance

Hybrid Option

Some companies have benefited from partial cloud computing, so not all servers need to be transferred off-site.

Data Migration Options

We provide various processes including “lift-and-shift” data migration and cloud-to-cloud data migration.

Dedicated Network

Having your own dedicated network you enjoy the security and privacy

Improved Productivity

Cloud services have such advantages such as improved speed, no down-time, and increased capacity.

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